L’Équipe MADA-Québec a participé, en aôut 2018, à la IFA 14th Global Conference on Ageing, à Toronto. Voici la liste des conférences auxquelles notre équipe a participé:
- Garon, S., Lessard-Beaupré, J.-P., Cousineau, P., Bolduc, N., & Lizée, I. (2018, August 8). Age-Friendly cities and Communities in Québec: a cross-sectorial approach. Symposium. 14th Global Conference on Ageing. « Towards a decade of healthy ageing: from evidence to action ». International Federation on Ageing. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Garon, S., Officer, A., Chan, G., Neville, S., Lafortune, L. and Finkelsteain, R. (2018,August 10). How Can We Show the Impact of Our Age-Friendly Efforts? 14th Global Conference on Ageing. International Federation on Ageing. Toronto, Ontario, Canad
- Lizée, I., Garon, S., Lavoie, C., & Vassigh, S. (2018, August 8). Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and the challenge of action on housing: a research-action in the province of Québec, Canada. 14th Global Conference on Ageing. « Towards a decade of healthy ageing: from evidence to action ». International Federation on Ageing. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Officer, A., Barratt, J., Garon, S., Firestone, S., & Brasher, K. (2018, August 8). How can we create environments that enable older people to do what they have reason to value? 14th Global Conference on Ageing. « Towards a decade of healthy ageing: from evidence to action ». International Federation on Ageing. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.